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Opening up the retrofit market…


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This CPD is brought to you by a collaboration between CIOB and the Federation of Master Builders (FMB).  Hayley Lorimer, Director of Membership at FMB, chairs the session, which sees input from Brian Berry, FMB CEO, Colin Calder, CEO Digital Buildings, and David Barnes, CIOB Acting Head of Policy & Public Affairs. They cover an overview of the current policy landscape with regards to energy efficient retrofit with a particular focus on homes, reflecting on whether this is likely to change under the labour government. Covering a new scheme which enables SME contractors to access the retrofit market with additional support and risk management in place for them and their customers, this webinar informs viewers about the current policy landscape for retrofit work in the able to pay market and how SMEs can operate within that sector.

If you have further questions for our speakers, please see their contact details below:

Brian Berry, CEO FMB

[email protected]

Colin Calder, CEO Digital Buildings

[email protected]

Trades-Retrofit Contractor – B2b (

David Barnes, Acting Head of Policy & Public Affairs, CIOB

[email protected]



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